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英语手抄报我的家 - 英语手抄报我的家内容

前言:(我的家庭)英语手抄报内容我们初中的也做过 可以先做一自我介绍,配一插图,如果是一张报纸那么大,布局尽量散一点,主要内容要和家庭扯上关系.可以插入关于家庭的笑话.功底厚的,还可以给家庭每个成员配上详细资料和你在这个家庭的感受英语手抄报:我的学校我的家带翻译My


我们初中的也做过 可以先做一自我介绍,配一插图,如果是一张报纸那么大,布局尽量散一点,主要内容要和家庭扯上关系.可以插入关于家庭的笑话.功底厚的,还可以给家庭每个成员配上详细资料和你在这个家庭的感受


My School, My Home. I consider my school is just like a big family which I would call it home. Because there are so many classmates who are just as my sisters and brothers. They are all ready to offer me a helping hand whenever...


means a temperamental predominance


在网上搜索一些关于介绍你家庭的英语小段, 弄手抄报就左右上下留着5毫米,再设计花边,写好题目, 再把在网上查的抄下去就行啦!


你可这样办,画一副你的房间构图,再介绍你的房间里有什么。可以用there be 句型。还可对家具颜色进行描写!例如:My room is not big.But i like it very much!There is a bed and a lovely desk in it .The room's wall is white.The desk is ...

英语小报 我的家庭

There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good. I’m really happy. My brother is shy and funny. He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are ba...



关于“My family"的英语手抄报。 要求:图文并茂

My Happy Family There're five members in my fmaily —— my parents , my grandparents , my sister and me . My mother is a teacher.She teaches Chinese in our school.She likes music.My fater is a teacher,too.He teaches art in the Gu...


My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my...


交通安全顺口溜: (1)交通安全很重要,交通规则要牢记,从小养成好习惯,不在路上玩游戏。 (2)行走应走人行道,没有行道往右靠,天桥地道横行道,横穿马路不能做。 (3)一慢二看三通过,莫与车辆去抢道。

英语手抄报我的家 - 英语手抄报我的家内容