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英语文具手抄报 - 英语文具手抄报内容

前言:英语手抄报分类,身体部位,动物,文具body身体 head头 face脸 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 tongue舌头 hair头发(毛发) ear耳朵 tooth牙齿(pl.teeth) neck脖子 back背 chest胸膛 hand手 arm手臂 fi


body身体 head头 face脸 nose鼻子 mouth嘴 tongue舌头 hair头发(毛发) ear耳朵 tooth牙齿(pl.teeth) neck脖子 back背 chest胸膛 hand手 arm手臂 finger手指 finger-nail手指甲 leg腿 foot脚(pl.feet)


Why he couldn't leave? There was a meeting with a large number of people. At first the speaker was very interesting, but as time went on, he became very boring. Finally when he was through, there was only one man sitting in the...


现在的孩子做手抄报还上百度悬赏 再别康桥 徐志摩 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻地招手, 作别西天的云彩。 那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘, 波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, ...

英语手抄报题目 内容

五一国际劳动节 五一国际劳动节wǔ yī guó jì láo dòng jié亦称"五一节",定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。 Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, an...




Pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 Pencilbox 铅笔盒 Writing brush 毛笔 Rubber 橡皮 Knife 小刀 Scissors 剪子 Ruler 尺子 note 笔记本 Calculator 计算器 and so on


My blue bag in the playground, there are books missing and all kinds of stationery 我的蓝色背包在操场丢失里面有书及各种文具What is your telephone nember


文具的英语单词有ball pen 圆珠笔、brush 画笔、rubber 橡皮、paper 纸。 1、ball pen 圆珠笔 圆珠笔是用油墨配不同的颜料书写的一种笔。笔尖是个小钢珠,把小钢珠嵌入一个小圆柱体型铜制的碗内,后连接装有油墨的塑料管,油墨随钢珠转动由四周...


stationery文具, 信纸 书包 bookbag 文件夹 paper file;folde 字典;词典 dictionary 量角器 protractor 三角板 set square 蜡笔crayon chalk 粉笔 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 propelling pencil 自动铅笔 地球仪globe 卷笔刀...


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英语文具手抄报 - 英语文具手抄报内容