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有关国家的英语手抄报 - 有关国家的英语手抄报 简单

前言:有关介绍英语国家的英语手抄报急求我想这个比较简洁,应该符合你的要求。 A Brief Introduction of the USA Located in the middle of the North America, the USA is the 4th


我想这个比较简洁,应该符合你的要求。 A Brief Introduction of the USA Located in the middle of the North America, the USA is the 4th largest country in the world, with an area of 9.3 million km2 and a population of about 300 mil...


法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:the French Republic),简称法国,是一个本土位于西欧的总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。 法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家,东与比利时、卢森堡...


我想这个比较简洁,应该符合你的要求。 A Brief Introduction of the USA Located in the middle of the North America, the USA is the 4th largest country in the world, with an area of 9.3 million km2 and a population of about 300 mil...


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国家与首都的英文手抄报 资料

国家 首都 China Beijing The USA Washington, DC The UK London Canada Ottawa Australia Canberra


During the past two years, all roads have been leading to Copenha-gen and the crucial UN climate convention meeting. That is part of the reason for the efforts China has made towardcurbing greenhouse gas emissions and China Dai...


祖国是生我,养我的故乡。它是我的一个巢,是我的永恒。我渴望和平,我渴望世界和平。共同建立一个家,在茫茫宇宙中,地球我的母亲,默默地养育着我们。或许有一天地球母亲说,孩子们 快 快赶快离开这个家,我要走了,要永远的离开了。 选自化文...


法兰西共和国(法语:République française,英语:the French Republic),简称法国,是一个本土位于西欧的总统共和制国家,海外领土包括南美洲和南太平洋的一些地区。 法国为欧洲国土面积第三大、西欧面积最大的国家,东与比利时、卢森堡...


The National Day is each national important holiday, but the name has differently. Many countries are called "the National Day" or "the National Festival", but also has some countries to call "the independent date" or "the inde...

有关国家的英语手抄报 - 有关国家的英语手抄报 简单