> 奥运会 > 英语中国手抄报 - 英语手抄报china介绍主题

英语中国手抄报 - 英语手抄报china介绍主题

前言:中国手抄报(英文版)The largest sea: Coral (over 4.79 million square kilometers) Second Arabian Sea and the South China Sea △ minimal: the S


The largest sea: Coral (over 4.79 million square kilometers) Second Arabian Sea and the South China Sea △ minimal: the Sea of Marmara, followed by the Azov Sea and the Bohai Sea △ highest salinity: the Red Sea, is the youngest ...


百度 我爱中国英语手抄报材料 2011-10-01 | 分享 我们这次回来要做一张“love china”为主题的手抄报,可是我根本不知道要写一些什么好,关键是我英语很烂,请哪位仁兄帮我发一下手抄报的材料,如果好的话,我可以考虑赏分+10。 问题补充:发来的...


China is in the east of Asia. Its neighbors in the landmass are twelve countries, such as Russia, India, Vietnam, etc. It faces the Pacific Ocean. It covers more than 9.6 million square kilometers. Thereare many large rivers in...


The Mid-Autumn Day August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will ha...


Motherland - a song in my mind Motherland, how affectionate name! Each thought is irrepressible mood ups and downs, Praise you inside the magnificent five thousand years, Bai Shinian between the fate of your emotion. Motherland...


关于中国梦的英文手抄报如下: 鲁班会盖房呀, 李广会射箭; 业精于勤成大器, 自古行行出状元。 社会有分工呀, 高低无贵贱; 业荒于嬉一场空, 愧人愧己愧对天。 敬业是本份呀, 敬业是底线; 有家有业有方向, 脚踏实地心底宽。 敬业有品德呀...




中国文化—— *当苍蝇掉进咖啡 不同民族和国度,文化也不同。试举一例,当苍蝇掉进咖啡时,英国人会放下杯子,并在桌上留下钱,然后离开——这叫绅士。美国人会勾起指头叫服务员:下次上咖啡时,请把方糖和苍蝇一起端上来,自选更合适——这叫幽默。中...


祖国是生我,养我的故乡。它是我的一个巢,是我的永恒。我渴望和平,我渴望世界和平。共同建立一个家,在茫茫宇宙中,地球我的母亲,默默地养育着我们。或许有一天地球母亲说,孩子们 快 快赶快离开这个家,我要走了,要永远的离开了。 选自化文...


have a strong motherland It is a familiar face, I see that lost their loved ones after the most cordial face. Eyes flashing with tears, words full of power, that moment, I feel I have a strong motherland. It is a strange face, ...

英语中国手抄报 - 英语手抄报china介绍主题