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小屁孩日记英语手抄报 - 小屁孩日记读书手抄报

前言:小屁孩日记24手抄报怎么写确定主题: 确定手抄报的主题,然后用铅笔简单做个框框,将素描纸分成几大块,每一块写什么要做到胸有成竹的。 2. 设计框题: 用铅笔在每一个框框里画好线,是横的,是竖的,是波浪的等等,根据需要自己设计的。 3. 填涂色彩: 在线条处用水


确定主题: 确定手抄报的主题,然后用铅笔简单做个框框,将素描纸分成几大块,每一块写什么要做到胸有成竹的。 2. 设计框题: 用铅笔在每一个框框里画好线,是横的,是竖的,是波浪的等等,根据需要自己设计的。 3. 填涂色彩: 在线条处用水彩笔涂上色彩,...


(1)书名: 《简爱》 (2)作者: 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 (3)内容简介:简爱从令人讨厌的学校毕业,在罗契斯特先生的庄园找了份家教的工作,负责教育罗契斯特先生的女儿,在此过程中两人擦出爱的火花,但在两人结婚当天,意外得知罗契斯特先生的前一位夫人。

英语手抄报 (快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快...

英语的寓言啊:The Ant and the Dove An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a...


小屁孩日记英语章节简介如下: 第一章:The haunted house of creativity;第二章:Who " move" the " Millennium cheese ";第三章:duChildren do not lie。 第四章:Try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice;第五章:Lunch s...


小学生英文日记 Today, I went out with my best friend. When we arrived at the park, it rained. We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The r...

小屁孩日记 英语简介

Diary of a Wimpy Kid (also known as Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley's Journal or Diary of a Wimpy Kid: A Novel in Cartoons) is a realistic fiction novel written by American author Jeff Kinney. It is the first book in the Dia...


Diary of A Wimpy Kid tells being a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley, who finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids are taller, meaner, a...



小屁孩日记英语手抄报 - 小屁孩日记读书手抄报